The Duck

With all this animal cruelty awareness it made me think twice if I should go ahead with this post. However, since we do not follow a vegetarian or a vegan diet I thought might as well include this for all those who like their poultry on their plates.

As little C is quite adventurous when it comes to different tastes and textures, it makes it slightly easier for us to experiment in home-food for all with dishes such as duck.

The duck is another dish I always feared to cook at home until Jas made it look simpler and nothing to hesitate from. I always had my duck in an oriental restaurant before so knowing how easy it is to cook it at home was a bit of a luxury.

So where do we start? Should I buy a whole duck, legs or breast? Well we find breast is the easiest to cook and if any left-overs, it can be included in a nice salad for lunch next day.

This week Jas has gone with a simple noodle dish, long stemmed broccoli and hoisin sauce. Watch him here to get your appetite going..


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