Fresh Spinach & Mango Smoothie


Ingredients – makes 800ml

EOS 200D_0095

  • 175g fresh spinach
  • 1 mango
  • 1/4 of a pineapple
  • 1 banana
  • 100ml natural yogurt
  • 30ml honey
  • 50ml water
  • fresh juice of 1 lemon
  • pinch of chia seeds for garnish


  • cutting knife
  • blender
  • container for peelings
  • chopping board
  • large bowl


  1. Start by taking off the bottom of the spinach. Roughly chop, put in the large bowl, fill it up with cold water and leave it on the side.
  2. Peel and roughly cut the mango, add to blender.
  3. Peel and add the banana.
  4. Drain the spinach and add to blender.
  5. Add natural yogurt.
  6. Add honey.
  7. Add lemon juice.
  8. Start blending, pour into a glass and garnish with chia seeds.

For Vegans substitute honey with maple syrup and use vegan yogurt